Jack made another new friend. This one is a toad. Mr. Toad was even given a kiss before he was overly squished, then sent back to his mommy.
We were able to spend Labor Day in Hayward with Jeremy's family and grandparents. Here are the boys on the dock with Auntie Meggy! They LOVE love LOVE her!
In Hayward we went to a candy store. Jack LOVED it, as you can see from this quite full basket. A word to the wise...be careful with dinner bribing. Now Jack negotiates with us. Usually the negotiation begins with Jack grabbing his step stool, carrying it over to the treat drawer, and opening it up while he says, "I am just going to check something." Next thing you know he has his treat bag and he declares, "I will have three bites of apple, then I will pick a treat." Humm...I wonder how he learned that trick?
I turned the big 2-9! Well, I have decided that is what I will forever be now...but the truth is revealed on the cake below. My husband threw the most fantastic surprise party for me. I could NOT believe it. I honestly had not been so surprised since he proposed to me seven years ago. It was a wonderful day. Thanks Jerm!
We went to the farmer's market a few times. Jack really enjoyed finding new ways to eat our findings!
Consuming well balanced meals has always been important to us! Nothing like your 2.5 year old having a Caribou and apple for breakfast...
We enjoyed a beautiful day at the orchard with my friend Noel and her sweet ones, Kyle & Haley.
Mitch rode in the seat of a shopping cart for the very first time!! HUGE milestone, since we practically live at Target.
The boys had a lovely concert for me. Very impressive! (And thanks to the Manrodt's for passing on both of these pianos!)
Fun pictures! Looks like it was a good month!
I love the look on Jack's face as he holds the basket of candy...really precious!
What sweet boys! That one of Mitch makes me want to run out and get another baby! Those two are gonna be great friends, so cute. Though as I am sure you already know they will have their moments. Evan and Wes have just started getting at eachother, and all I see are flalling arms and legs... ohhh the time-outs! But when Wes is asleep Evan kisses him and wispers sweet nothings :)!Every boy should have a brother I say.
Hey....is that your bedding in the background of the picture? We have the same bedding, if so. So does Kendra M. and Brittney W.
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