Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have many friends who are coupon clippers. I am too, but not to the skill level that they are. I just page through the Sunday inserts, clip the coupons for items I use, file them into my cute carrying case...and often forget it when it comes time for shopping!

So this week I challenged myself. A good friend emailed me the links to these coupon blogs that she follows. These coupon bloggers do all the work for you. They tell you what to get and which coupons to use. I have heard from so many friends of all the wonderful things that they get for free or little money.

After months of pondering and hearing these stories I gave it a try this week at Target.

I have to tell you, I sort of felt like I was stealing...even though I was NOT!

So here is what I got:
  • Bananas (3lbs) for $1.00
  • Travel Connect Four for $1.00
  • Travel Hungry Hippos for $1.00
  • Johnson's Baby Shampoo for $.19
  • 3 Bath Buddies Soaps for FREE
  • Pampers Baby Wipes for FREE
  • about $5 off diapers
  • and I pocketed $.40 along with a free pack of Skittles.

Pretty good for my first time! My goal with this couponing is only to get what I need/will use and to be sure that taking time to use the coupons doesn't interrupt my priorities!

Yea for saving money, right?


tanyapettitt said...

Here is a yeah from me! I followed the links in your email and I saved $14 plus a $5 gift card to target. Rock on! I think I'll keep this up! I was wondering if you had any coupon issues at Target, doesn't sound like it.

locksicle said...

Can you post the links to the blogs you followed?


Dyer Importance... said...

Here is what my friend Rachel sent me in her email: - I use this as my primary one just because she's local, but she's not always the most complete. (she has lots of local deals / events too which is nice) - She's from WI so she also posts on Rainbow's deals. - This is my primary place I look for my Target deals (as do many others as I've noticed). This is General Mills' group. I've received great coupons from them in the mail (free Pillsbury SIMPLE cookies most recently along with 5 - $1.25 off coupons for the same product). - I also have received great coupons from them for cereal (free Rice Krispies, free Tide, etc.)

Finally - - this is where I print my Target coupons from that can be stacked with manufacturer coupons (so you can use a $1 target coupon for Tuna and a $1 Starkist coupon and get it for close to free). The coupons say that you can only use one per purchase, but I asked at the store and they said that you could use them "within reason" which means to me 2-3 coupons per transaction, but not 15 as the lady said someone had tried to do!

The Wagner Fam said...

i use the organic grocery coupons as well. i read . glad you are trying this fun coupon thing out!:)