Friday, May 1, 2009

In other news...

In December of 2002 my good old reliable Oldsmobile Royale was hit and totaled while it was parked outside a friend's house. It was a tragic day. That Olds got me through the end of high school, my undergraduate years of college, and almost my first year of grad school. It hardly had any problems. I paid $3,500 for it and actually ended up coming out with more money in my pocket than had ever been put into the car (it was totaled out twice!). :) Jeremy and I even planned a special date night with the Olds when it hit 100,000 miles. What a great car!

After the accident I had to get a new(er) car. I never thought I'd find a car as great as my Olds. As we were engaged at the time, Jeremy and I purchased my next car together. A 2000 Honda Accord. It has proven to be a great car too. It got me through the rest of grad school, a short teaching career at North High, and a new baby. Recently it has become solely Jeremy's car as I graduated to a hauler for two kiddos!

Just yesterday Jeremy, Jack and I had a special date in the Honda, as it it 100,000 miles. It is fun to have had two great cars that marked such an achievement.

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