Saturday, June 18, 2011

Running Mad...

In exactly 11 minutes Jeremy will begin running his 8th marathon!

He amazes me.


We had a fun family running weekend!

It all started Friday afternoon - with the Whipper Snapper races for the kiddos...

Both boys got numbers, but only one boy raced...

This was his practice run.  He was determined to win.  
He said he was going to, and I think his mind was set on winning the race...

This is serious business.

Emotions were high, it was about nap time after all.
And then the race started...

The next part we are still figuring out the true details of.
All we know is that one boy was NOT in first place, he turned around and daddy tripped over him.

Tears.  Lots of tears.

But they continued on...

...and they did finish what they started...

...even though someone was sad about not winning. 


Later that day we had a yummy spaghetti dinner and mommy ran her 5K.  
Best time ever...just under ten minute miles!  
You don't want to see pictures.  It looked painful.
Maybe that was from the spaghetti burps throughout the race...


Starting very early on Saturday morning Daddy ran his 8th Marathon!!

We were up bright and early, ready to cheer him on.
Our favorite spot along the course is mile 12.
A church close to the course does a little fundraiser...
Parking, flush toilets, donuts and COFFEE!
What could be better???
Especially so early in the morning!!

Jack was a great spectator.  We were intrigued by all the fun colors of shoes.
Mitch only sat this still until the chocolate frosting was off the donut...

A kind lady offered to take a picture of the three of us cheering for daddy...
Wasn't that sweet?  

Daddy at mile 12...Looking very good.

At mile 19, Jack creatively made his own fireman's pole while he waited for daddy to run by.  

Daddy at mile 19...still looking awesome!

He did great!  His best marathon time ever.  

531 out of 6,337 participants!

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