Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pee-Pee in the Potty...

Mitch had his first potty in the potty chair today!

He took off his diaper and told me that he had to go. So, we went with it.

We went into the bathroom and he stood at the potty just like a big boy…trying so diligently to go. He couldn’t do it…stage fright, maybe! So, Jack went. I went too. Then Jack and I left the bathroom only to hear that all too familiar tinkle sound. Yes! He did it!! Pee-pee in the potty…and all over the wall and floor too. Nonetheless, we celebrated with song, dance and M&M’s! Mitch emptied the potty pot into the toilet all by himself and flushed the toilet. He then put the cleaned up potty pot on his head, a way of celebrating I guess…

Now Mitch is refusing to wear any underwear or clothing today because he wants to keep going potty!!

After our celebration, Mitch tried to go potty again. 
He could not figure out why his potty was not coming out anymore.
He kept saying, "Broken!"
Not to worry though...before the end of the day I cleaned up three "oops, I pee'd on the floor" moments!
Potty training will begin this summer, I am sure...just not quite yet.  We need more evidence of readiness.

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