I didn't get any pictures of Jeremy actually running Marathon No. 7.
We went to see him run the Twin Cities Marathon, for the third time.
I felt like a pro. I knew right where to park - each stop a short distance from the course. Easy in, easy out. This was especially helpful since I was all alone with the kiddos.
Usually we cheer from three stops - miles 5, 14, and 24.
This year we decided to simplify things. No mile 5.
We got to mile 14 and watched for so long...but we actually missed him!
We were there at the right time, but we didn't spot him...Bummer!! So, no picture of him. Just one of these super cute fans:
At mile 24 - two of us had to go potty...
so we rushed to take care of business, then hustled to the race course.
We were surprised to see Jeremy run by within a few minutes of sitting down!!
I didn't know which pace group he would be with for a number of reasons (no text updates to give me his stats, didn't see him at mile 14, he had just run a marathon two weeks prior - which could mean he was doing awesome because he was fully trained and recovered OR that he was nursing an injury from pushing too hard) so I was glad to see him doing so well!
Anyhow, we didn't get any pictures, but here are his stats:
2010 Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon - Marathon
Time: 3:19:30
Pace: 7:37 per mile
Overall Place: 693 out of 8212
Gender Place: 611 out of 4818 Males
Age Group Place: 121 out of 775 in the Males 30-34 Age Group
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