Jack is now unofficially 23 pounds (and not because we allow him to have suckers...this was a rare, but funny moment at the State Fair). I say unofficially because this is based on our bathroom scale...not the doctor's scale. However, I can assure you that he has been checked at least three times by both Jeremy and myself...just to be sure. It amazes me that in just 7 and a half months he could have grown soooo much...and from a diet consisting mainly of milk. Comparatively speaking, our friends have a son who is exactly one year and four days older than Jack. He is 24 pounds!
Jack is so interested in the foods that Jeremy and I eat we had to have a plan for dinner. First we have to feed Jack...then we can eat (and he can taste our food - like at Nana Jeannie's house when he tried spaghetti noodles for the first time last week). If we take out the big people food before he has his baby food he is completely disinterested and refuses to eat any more unless it is our big people food. The problem with this scenario is that Jack isn't quite ready for a solid diet of big people food and he is still hungry because he did not get enough of his food to fill his belly...so he gets very upset very quickly.
This quick anger has helped Jeremy and I to realize that Jack definitely knows what he wants and can comprehend a great deal more than we were aware of. He is in the beginning stages of needing to know that there are boundaries and we are equipping ourselves to begin putting our first "Team Dyer" parenting strategies to the test. :)
A child who knows what he wants?? The son of Marlene and Jeremy??? NEVER!!!
Love ya guys
Wow, that is one handsome boy. If we ever live in the same town we will have two of the five linemen positions taken. I really see Jeremy in him in this picture.
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