Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Thing...

Guess what Jack gets to be for Halloween?

Well, there are two costumes for the many occasions that a three year old gets to get dressed up for.
(seriously - at least five separate occasions that come to mind now)

Two things.  And I call them
Thing One and Thing Two.
These Things will not bite you.
They want to have fun.
Then out of the box came Thing Two and Thing One!

Thing Two's mommy and I had this plan,
as these costumes were perfect for each little man.

More pictures will come of both of our Things.
As the season moves forward and opportunity brings.


(the rhyming will end now)


And for costume choice number two...

Super Fast Driver Jack
and his Monster Truck (which is yet to be completed)...


And sweet Mitch, what about him?

Something quite fitting for this cute little guy,
A monkey is what works for this sweet honey pie!

(sorry, I couldn't help the rhyming...)

Happy Costuming!

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