I try to keep Jeremy updated on the boys while he is at work during the day. I often send him emails with little clips of our day. I thought I would share some of them with you:
3/9/10 - Jack: “No Mitch! You are pushing my luck!” As Jack redecorates the house and Mitch tries to help out!
3/9/10 - Mitch LOVES loves LOVES peanut butter!!
2/9/10 - Jack: “Mama, is Quincy chocolately brown?” (Quincy is one of the Little Einsteins)
2-23-10 - Mitch has two teeth now!!
1/25/10 - So, Jack has to sit on the couch and read stories for his quiet time today. He is reading aloud. It is hilarious. He knows parts of the stories…and says them – but adds “poopy” as an adjective. Like, “the poopy moon” or “the poopy dog” etc.
1/21/10 - While I was gathering things together for the boys at MDA today – Mitch found his way all the way up the stairs and into our bathroom. I had to go hunting for him. He is so not satisfied by a bucket of toys he can empty now.
1-20-10 - So, Jack was looking at my shirt this morning. There is a man and a woman running in the apple. He asked me if this was daddy and this was mommy, pointing to the man, then the woman. I said yes. He said, “You are running together. I want to run with you too some day.”
1/13/10 - We had a very interesting conversation about Jesus and where he is right now. We talked about how the Bible tells us that he will come on the clouds. Jack asked if he was going to go in the clouds with Jesus. I told him that if he loved Jesus very much he would be able to. They he started telling me how he is going to take a rocket just like the Little Einsteins to get to heaven.
1-8-10 - Jack has two of his four two-year molars.
1-7-10 - Jack was in his car seat on the way to MDA this morning. He noticed a smooshed oreo on his chair from the icecream you had the other night. He said, “This is a cookie. Well, actually, it is poop!” We laughed about how it looked like poop!
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