Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hey Jude

This past week we welcomed a new member to our family.
My sister, Stephanie, and her husband, Tim, greeted their first child as he arrived on Wednesday, August 26th at 11:12pm.

Jude Scott Boden
ten pounds one half of an ounce
twenty one inches long

Jude was born three weeks early! Can you believe it? Imagine how much he would have weighed if he had arrived on time or even a little bit late?? We sure do grow big babies in our family!! Stephanie's water broke on Wednesday evening and she had a c-section later that night. The c-section was planned (due to Jude's size) but not scheduled for this date!!

This is Jack & Mitchell's very first cousin. We are excited to have all these boys grow up so close in age to each other. It will be such a delight to watch them play together in the coming years.

1 comment:

gianna said...

oh! my goodness!
way to go stephanie!
you girls and your big boys!