Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Three Month "Switch"

Someone flipped the switch on Mitch.

Once he hit three months so many things changed for the better.

  • He is so much more alert. He keeps a watch to check out what is going on around him. His favorite thing to look at is his big brother!!
  • He smiles so much more. And not just a smile here and there...A real smile when he sees something that he likes such as a familiar face or a funny big brother!
  • He stopped being fussy every night in the evening. I am most grateful for this change.
  • He is starting to put himself on a regular schedule: two one hour naps in the morning, two one hour naps in the afternoon, down at 9, last feeding at 11, then one feeding in the middle of the night. Wakes, eats and another early morning nap. Clockwork! I like it!!! Of course now that I said that out loud, the schedule will change!
  • He is getting so big! I have to move him into the six month clothes bucket. WOW!! I should weigh him. About a month ago he was about 15 pounds.
  • He is playing more intentionally with his toys. Not just looking at them, but swatting and grabbing them, and trying to hold on to them.
  • He loves to look you right in the eye and hold on tight. I love that.
  • He is trying with all his might to sit up...it is so cute to see him try. Great stomach crunches!
I am grateful for the change. It is good news.

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