Friday night has long since been a traditional date night for Jeremy and I. Our friends, Dave & Tami Bostrom, gave us some great advice before we got married: Never stop dating. So, we have tried very very hard to keep that tradition alive. It hasn't been every Friday night, but it has been a consistent part of our marriage and we are so glad it has.
Last night I went on a date night. It wasn't with my husband though!
Jack send me an email invite this week. We had dinner reservations for two at 5:30pm on Friday night at Chino Latinos. Yum!
On Friday night he rang the doorbell and handed me a beautiful bunch of blossoms (he and daddy had collected - my favorite spring blossoms!). He then told me he was here for our date. Daddy went over some instructions with him (regarding some money in his pocket that he was to give to the waitress) and we were off.
It was a great date. Here are some pictures from our night.
Beautiful flowers that Jack brought me
Jack ordered chocolate milk - and they even garnished it with a monkey!
For dessert we roasted marshmallows right at our table!
This was Jack's very favorite part!!
I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful husband. He has noticed that most of my time has been given to Mitchell lately, so he arranged for this special time for just Jack and myself. It was great to go and just give my time completely to Jack. Oh, and while Jack and I were gone, poor Mitch had a tummy ache - and he screamed for two hours straight. I think Jeremy gets a night out next!!!
1 comment:
congratulations on your Masters! As I read these past few posts I thought you are working towards the proverbs 31 woman...and it reminds me of a song...I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan...(and Jeremy's favorite line no doubt) and never, ever let you forget you're a man...
Ok, so it's not quite the Pro. 31 woman...but you get the idea!
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