This past weekend we celebrated Jack's second birthday. I can't believe how fast time goes. I know it has only been two years...but still - two YEARS!
We have been so blessed by this little man. He is growing and learning so much. We are often amazed at what he knows and impressed by his skills.
So, two years ago - what was going on?
We started on Feb. 7th with an ultrasound. My midwife suggested that I was measuring large so she sent us to have an ultrasound. Off we went. This was our third ultrasound, so nothing new. We were excited to get a glance at "McGuire Dyer" again. When the ultrasound tech doesn't say much to you and is struggling to get a measurement on the size of the baby's head - well, that is a sign that things aren't business as usual! The doctor who could read the results of the ultrasound came into the room. She informed us that we would very likely meet our baby either on that day or very early the next day. She told us that the ultrasound could only measure a baby's growth up to 42 weeks (we were in week 39) and our baby's head and stomach was not able to be measured, as they were both developed beyond week 42. So - with the estimates they could make, they informed us that our baby would be roughly 11 pounds. She also informed us that our baby would probably have to be delivered via c-section.
Tears. Lots of tears flowed from my eyes at this point. After all, what mom prepares in her mind for a c-section? We had so diligently attended all six of those birthing classes. We even practiced the breathing exercises at home. How could we have a c-section. We prayed in the car (well, Jeremy did) and off we went to my midwife appointment.
After reviewing the results of the ultrasound, they concurred with the estimation of weight and also suggested a c-section. At this point I was still a little scared about having to have a c-section, but obviously wanted to hear more about it. They sent in Dr. Malik, who would be the one to deliver our baby. He assured me that it was the safest route for our baby and for me. He also said that if we tried to labor with this baby, it could end up with an emergency C to get baby out anyhow. Now feeling very assured, much more relaxed and at ease, it was the obvious decision. We looked at the schedule. We considered delivering that day, but I had been chewing gum - so that meant no anesthesia. 7am the next morning it was.
Waiting until the next morning was the best thing for us. We were able to process all of the information a bit more. We could go home, be sure everything we needed was packed, call our family and share the news, and most importantly - get a good nights sleep. Surprisingly, we did sleep well.
We were off to the hospital at 4:40am in order to arrive at 5 to get prepped for surgery. We were greeted in our hospital room by flowers and a gift left by our dear friends. What an encouragement. I think that is when it hit me. I was officially going to have a baby to hold in my arms in just a few hours. Life change.
After a "costume change," several attempts to get an IV in, and a few other surgery preps we were off to the operating table for a spinal. I couldn't feel anything from my ribs down. A little while later, our sweet Jack was born. Dr. Malik lifted him up and announced, "It's a boy!" Off he went to be weighed, cleaned up and warmed up.
As we recovered in our room, Jeremy and I got to hold and love this sweet miracle in our arms. What a joy. What a difference one day makes in your life. As a matter of fact, Jeremy and I were trying to remember what we did with our free time before we had Jack in our was hard to remember.
Thank you so much dear Lord for our Jack. We are so grateful for this gift. 
Love your re-cap!!! What a joy! One, makes a huge difference.
It's so fun to remember, isn't it? I remember each of my kids "stories." Enjoyed reading Jack's. Happy Birthday Jack!
so ... exactly how big was your little Jack?
Dana - he came out at 10.12!!! HUGE!
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