- When you can't reach the bottom of the kitchen sink anymore because your belly pushes you so far away from it.
- When you get out of breath just walking to get the phone in the other room.
- When everyone you encounter reminds you of your size by saying, "WOW, you are looking sooo big!!" DUH! I already knew that!!! But thanks for the reminder!
- When people ask you, "Are you sure you aren't having twins??" Again, thanks for that!
- When the color of your belly is no longer mostly flesh toned, rather the distinctive reddish purple hue of stretch marks is now predominant.
- When you deeply consider how worthwhile any activity is that requires getting out of the chair or bed.
- When you sneeze and think maybe your water broke, but it turns out that wasn't your water breaking....
March 16 is right around the corner!!!
Ha ha ha....you are funny! Those were some good ones! You are not yet anywhere as ginormous as I was with Lily, and if you need me to show you pictures I will...will make you feel much better, promise!
Good post, very witty and man oh man is the last one right on sista!
Hilarious and so true. Loved the sink one and the getting up one.
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