- Yellow & white clothing items cleaned and in drawers
- Size ONE (no, not newborn...this is a Dyer baby!) diapers in drawers
- Stroller assembled
- Childcare arranged for Jack while we are at the hospital
To Do:
- Iron, so the baby cradle is empty!
- Stock freezer meals
- Deep clean the weekend before
- Pack for the hospital
- Pedicure!!!
Baby's development is well underway as well. We had an ultrasound to check on the baby's size on Friday morning. We found out that our baby, who is currently at the end of week 34, is roughly 6 and a half pounds already. Just so you have a reference point...babies in week 34 are typically about 4 and a half pounds. So - we are two pounds ahead. With four full weeks of growing at a usual rate of a half to a full pound each week...we are estimating that this baby will again be rather large. (My uneducated guess is between 9-10 pounds).
Jack came with to the ultrasound. He had a very special chair to sit on so he could watch the baby on the tv screen. We walked him through all of the steps of what was happening, from the goo on mommy's belly to the baby he could peek at. He really liked it when he got to hear the baby sounds. Then he discovered the privacy curtain next to him and decided that it was more entertaining to play with!
We are looking very much forward to meeting this little one in just four weeks.
the kellers would like to request a picture of Marlene. Just because Pregnant ladies are so cute. We are so excited for you both. We enjoy reading your stories.
My kids also loved that curtain
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