Jack got his first pet - a beta fish named "Mister." He is no longer with us, and neither is the replacement fish we got for him. We have two more that we are trying to keep alive from my sister's wedding...we will see where that goes. We have since stopped naming them.

Jeremy and I went to Hawaii for a week's vacation. At that time, Jeremy was given the Crystal Award again, for the 4
th year in a row! That means he earned first in the entire country in his division for sales generated and dollars sold. Congrats

Our vacation offered us a relaxing week on the islands of Hawaii and
Kauai. We stopped off at
Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island as we spent an entire day driving around it. Other highlights included visiting a
Kona Coffee Plantation, having Hawaiian Shaved Ice, and Jeremy flying
through he air between trees on a zip line adventure.

While we were away on vacation we announced our big news !

We finished off the month by camping at Itasca State Park with our good friends, Ben & Lindsay
Belisle. It was a nice relaxing time together. Jack was able to visit the Mississippi Headwaters for the first time. It really is a beautiful state park. If you get a chance, we recommend camping there.
How the heck have you killed 2 beta fish? Ours WON'T die! I just made that comment to my family at Tday...and then went to clean the bowl last night. I did everything we always do, but Buffanda didn't look so hot in her little cup so I transferred her back to her bowl, she floated right to the top. After trying a few things, even having Brevin saying good-bye and putting her in the toilet---she started swimming again?!?! SERIOUSLY! IN THE TOILET!!! Brevin yelled, "SHE'S ALIVE!" So we put her back in the bowl, she looked rough, but by this morning she was in tip top shape. Again, HOW have you killed two of these fish? :)
I have to agree, Marlene. We had a beta fish that WOULD NOT DIE! The cat knocked it's bowl off the counter; the bowl broke and the beta fish laid there for at least a minute. I threw on the tap in the sink, picked up the fish and threw it into whatever temp that water happened to be. It lived a whole year after that...even through one of the kids dumping half a can of fish food into its water and not telling me, thereby turning the water to sludge...although it did die a few weeks later...
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