Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas Fun!

Merry Christmas!
On Christmas morning, we started the day with some delicious crepes.
I mixed, Jeremy cooked, and Jack tasted! YUM

Next we read the Christmas story, then opened gifts and stockings.

We spent the day at Nana & Grandpa Paul's house.
Jack loved his wooden train track set, but Curious George was run over a few times! :)

Auntie Megan took Jack for a ride on the sled while the rest of the family played boot hockey.
We even made our traditional family look-a-like cookies:
Generous Giving Paul (he was noted in the paper recently for the donations that the Son's of the Legion have given to local charities); Mother of the Bride Jeannie; Bridesmaid Megan; Snow-Suit Jack; Bride Julie; Groom Mark; Prego Marlene; Runner Jeremy; and finally - either baby boy or baby girl.

After Christmas we had a family fun night complete
with sledding and a visit to Chuck E. Cheese's!

And finally, we celebrated Christmas at Grandpa Jim & Besta's!
Jack and Besta played outside in the snow

Jack & Grandpa Jim played cars in the Kitchen

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

What a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I especially like the Christmas Lookalike Cookies! I may have to "borrow" that tradition!!!! I love how it celebrates the person and the year.