Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dead Already?

I am definitely not as into the political scene as my hubby. I usually just catch as much as I have to in order to make a sound decision on who to vote for and occasionally I volunteer. I do, however, think about politics sometimes. Maybe I do that because it is such a surprise to Jeremy! Anyhow, here is my latest thought:

No matter where you draw your line in the sand, I wonder if you have made the same observation.

Has the media already nailed McCain's coffin shut? As soon as Palin arrived (and even before) on this political stage as the potential "next in line," it seems as though McCain has been deemed near death. The question continues to be thrust into our faces, "Is Palin ready to be 'one heartbeat' away?" I would argue that the question should be, "Is there really only 'one heartbeat' remaining?"

At 72 years of age I certainly would not say McCain is young, considering his opponent is still younger that his eldest child. However, I would definitely not check his pulse either. Remember when Cheney was highlighted as being close to keeling over due to his heart condition? Well, he is still ticking, right? My grandparents are in their early 80s and they manage to kick it to Florida and back every year.

The real underlying questions in this "one heartbeat" assertion are this:
1. Does Sarah Palin have enough experience to step up and run the country, just in case...?
2. Is America ready for a woman to hold the position of Commander in Chief?

The answer to these questions are up to you to decide. I just thought I'd weigh in on the ageism that I saw in our media!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

The media is so biased in so many ways that it's hard to know where to begin. I hadn't thought of the ageism issue, but it is there. Good point.