Monday, June 23, 2008

Degree Completion in Progress...

During this past school year I have been working on finishing my very last credit for my Master of Education in Social Studies. I turned in my paper to my advisor on Wednesday of last week. Today I checked my inbox and found this:
FYI, I received your forms, signed off on them, and submitted them to Student Services for processing.

Benjamin M. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Social Studies Education
University of Minnesota
Finally DONE!
And a special thank you to everyone who helped me along the way: Jeremy, for always being so supportive; Mom's Day Away for watching Jack on Mondays; Kimberly & Jill, for coming to Caribou with me to work; the librarian at the U; my advisers, Mike & Muffet; Caribou - for providing Mango Iced Tea; and to my mother-in-law, Jeannie, for doing my editing!


Jessica said...

Congrats! You must feel so good about that!

Blosh said...

Congratulations, Marlene! Your hard work and dedication paid off! Are you still going to bring Jack to Mom's Day Away next year?!?